So, there are times in life when things are going great, Alhamdulillah you are on track with your Quran reading, you are memorizing like crazy, your Salah is all Khushoo-ed out, your Dawah is awesome, I mean that friend of yours is almost convinced about Islam and you feel the glow of spiritual happiness all around you. Jannah, here I come. Great.
Then there's times when its not so great.....
You feel like you are stuck in a ditch and it has quick sand or something because it keeps pulling you inside it slowly but constantly, your attempts to get out are shoveled over by your inability to move. Nothing seems to go right, nothing seems to drive you, feels like its all going down hill from here. What to do?
Reach over and Grab Allah's rope!
As Allah tells us in Surah Imran, in Ayah 103 " And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah, and be not divided among themselves. And remember Allah's favor upon you". When you are all jumbled up in the head and that quick sand is pulling you deeper and deeper reach out and grab Allah's rope that He is offering you and remind yourself of the favors of life, air, water, sight, speech, home, family and so much more, that he has given to you. Because Truly as Allah calls out to those who believe and says, "Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah. For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction(13:28).
The one that created you, the one that built you, the one that knows your inner workings, the one who knows your thoughts even before you think it, is telling you the solution to your problem. Hmm... exactly why is it that we ignore this? We busy our selves in other activities trying to fix it, fix that wreathing feeling under the skin that comes over us when our Imaan is down... blast the radio, turn up that favorite song that we secretly love, watch your favorite movie , or the worst just keep doing what you are doing and it might just" go away".
The solution is in front of our eyes; for this test that Allah puts in front of us, he gives us the answer too. Just Remember Him-Do Dhikr-Read Quran with its meanings- Contemplate his world-Contemplate his gifts-Think about the wonders he has bestowed upon you- Do some Charity-Fast Voluntary fasts- Pray Nafl.
Do something to drag your self closer to him. DON'T listen to Shaitan as he says " Well I already feel so detached what difference does it make" or " It just feels mechanical or ritualistic to pray " That's the trap! If you keep doing what you are doing and don't run to the source of ALL goodness, evil will only make you keep doing more wrong to drag you away from Allah because that's his ultimate goal you see.
So, InshaAllah this is a reminder to me firstly, and to all of us InshaAllah to hold Firmly to the Rope of Allah.
So, InshaAllah this is a reminder to me firstly, and to all of us InshaAllah to hold Firmly to the Rope of Allah.
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