Thursday, July 14, 2011

Save the fish!!!

 So I was watching this documentary called The End of the Line : A World with out Fish    
Basically, its  telling us how were consuming the world fish population and by the year 2050 there will be no more fish in existence!! This means that our oceans are going to be dead, there is research evidence that the oceans absorb the CO2 levels of the atmosphere. With out the oceanic buffer global warming will increase massively.
Photograph: Antonio Scorza/AP

  Most of the fishes are being fished for commercial purposes unnecessarily and most of them go to waste, the top sushi and other restaurants all serve endangered species! and the public doesn't even know it what was cool was that at the end of the movie there are some ways to stop this from happening by

  • -buying only fish stamped with the label Sustainable Fish, and
  • -buying and asking in restaurants about legally fished fish
  • -pressuring corporations to stop massacring the oceans !

Here's an article about the Sustainability issue by the Guardian . every one needs to go out there and check out this documentary, it should be in libraries.

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